About Me

profile image

Hi, My name is Sam. I am a full-stack web developer based in San Diego. I have a passion for music, video games, surfing, hiking, culinary arts, mental health, and holistic living. I am currently enrolled in a full-stack Software Engineer & Web Development course at Thinkful. I’m eager to get my feet wet, and excited to see where my new skills can take me.

When I am not coding, you can find me surfing, exploring, cooking new recipes, or reading.


  • html

    HTML 5

  • css

    CSS 3

  • js


  • jquery


  • postgres


  • node


  • react


  • express


  • heroku


  • mocha


  • chai


  • git



reservation app image
Restaurant Reservation app

Periodic Tables is a restaurant schedule management application that allows a restaurant manager to create/document tables and reservations. It provides the ability to filter reservations by phone number, sort reservations by those that are booked, seated, and completed. Users can also create tables and assign capacity to reflect the tables in the restaurant.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JSX
  • React
  • Express
  • Postgres(knex)
flashcard app image
Flashcard app

This is a flashcard application for users to store decks of flashcards to be studied. Users can add and edit new decks, add and edit cards in each deck and use the application to study the decks.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Bootsrap
  • Git
WeLoveMovies app image

This is a project that was produced under the guidiance of my courses with Thinkful. It is the back end of an applicaton that allows the user to pull up a list of movies, showings and reviews by several critics.

  • Express
  • Knex
  • PostgreSQL
  • Cors
  • Dotenv
  • Node


Feel free to contact me for any opportunities!